Press Releases

The future of healthcare: Three ways IoT is beneficial to hospitals

December 13, 2017

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

The Internet of Things (IoT) will transform nearly every industry in future years – if it hasn’t done so already, says Jocelyn Brown. By redefining how devices, people, and apps connect and interact with one another, IoT is making the way we work more integrative. By creating new opportunities to develop dynamic services and products, IoT will decrease operating costs and improve efficiency across the globe.

In the healthcare industry, IoT is set to solve financial issues, and it is now extending to remedy a range of other concerns like the effects of technology on hospital administration and treatment plans. A recent study suggested that healthcare is the third most advanced industrial application for IoT, making the industry a leading user of IoT for the sake of holistic and helpful methods of care.

As data-gathering methods continue to be simplified, hospitals will be able to use the IoT to ensure that patient data is being widely understood and accessible, while also being kept safe and secure. By implementing IoT, the healthcare industry – and hospitals in particular – will benefit in several ways, including:

Improved treatment outcomes

One advantage for hospitals that integrate IoT is the improved outcomes for certain treatments. By utilising virtual IoT infrastructures like cloud computing, hospital caregivers will be able to access real-time information. This in turn will allow caregivers to make better-informed decisions and propose treatment strategies that are based in viable evidence. By implementing this type of IoT infrastructure into the hospital’s day-to-day functions, healthcare provisions will be more timely and the treatment outcomes will likely be of a better quality.

Improved management of diseases and drugs

Managing diseases and drugs is a huge expense for both patients and administrators in hospitals. But with IoT, the creation and management of such concerns will be at a lower cost. By monitoring patients more closely and on a more efficient schedule, healthcare providers and caregivers can treat diseases before they get out of hand. Plus, having an accurate collection of data through the use of IoT medical alert systems will guarantee a minimisation of errors in treatment and disease management overall.

Enhanced experiences of patients

A final advantage of IoT for hospitals is the improvements to patient experience. Using IoT in healthcare will ultimately boost attention to the needs of patients, which will subsequently lead to greater efficiency in care. Improving accurate diagnoses, proactively treating illnesses, and allowing physicians to timely intervene are all ways that IoT can make for better patient experiences. Implementing IoT practices into hospitals will bolster patient trust as a result of more accountable care methods being put in place.

Since the IoT is here to stay, it only makes sense for the healthcare industry to take the proper steps to ensure that the engine benefits the ability of providers and caregivers to care for patients. Leveraging technologies in an effort to improve treatment outcomes, the management of diseases and drugs, and the patient experience will ultimately lead to more efficient hospitals.

The author of this blog is Jocelyn Brown, a freelancer writer.

About the author:

The author of this blog is Jocelyn Brown, a freelancer writer. She is a freelancer writer and mother. She loves the freedom that comes with freelancing and the versatility it allows her in covering many different topics and themes. When not at work she enjoys running, hikes in the country and making the most of family time.

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