IoT News

Semtech launches LoRaWAN Hub Kit for SMB and smart home solutions

September 27, 2024

Posted by: Magda Dabrowska

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Semtech Corporation has announced availability of its one-channel LoRaWAN hub reference design and evaluation kit targeting smaller scale network deployments such as for SMB/SME and smart home applications.

Recent insights from Omdia predict LoRaWAN to have the greatest annual growth, at 30% over the 2023–30 forecast period. “It is a comparatively recent technology finding a niche in longer-distance, lower-power applications like irrigation systems and security sensors for property perimeters. As a sub-GHz protocol, it also has advantages in multi-unit installations. It penetrates glass, steel and concrete easily, giving it a significant advantage,” said Edward Wilford, the senior research director at Omdia. “The cost effectiveness of Semtech’s one-channel hub aligns well with such smaller-scale applications.”

Olivier Beaujard, a board member, officer of the board and chairman of regulatory affairs for the LoRa Alliance, the senior director at LoRa ecosystem for Semtech, said, “LoRaWAN continues to be a transformative industry catalyst for a more sustainable future. Supported by a thriving LoRaWAN ecosystem, Semtech’s one-channel hub reference design unlocks new use cases and opportunities for adoption in new markets that stand to benefit from LoRa’s long-range, low-power capabilities.”

About LoRaWAN one-channel hub reference design and evaluation kit

The one-channel hub gateway evaluation kit (LRWHHUB1EVK1A) provides a turnkey solution for low cost, basic access LoRaWAN network connectivity. Compatible with several Semtech LoRa sub-GHz transceivers, the reference design includes a low-cost Espressif MCU and LCD display for simple user operation.

– Compatible LoRa ICs: SX1261, SX1262, LR1110, LR1121
– Evaluation kit includes PCBs and antenna

Semtech at the Things Conference 2024

Semtech’s demos in booth #C01 will showcase its latest LoRaWAN and IoT solutions. The conference agenda also includes Semtech IoT experts in keynote, panel, and workshop discussions.

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