Beyond by BearingPoint teams up with MATRIXX Software - IoT global network

Press Releases

Beyond by BearingPoint teams up with MATRIXX Software

May 19, 2021

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Glo Gordon

Beyond by BearingPoint and MATRIXX Software announced they have partnered to give Communications Service Providers (CSPs) the ability to develop, sell and monetise 5G and IoT B2B solutions in real-time using a digital marketplace.

The integration of Beyond’s Infonova Digital Business Platform with MATRIXX Software’s Digital Commerce Platform will enable CSPs to combine connectivity and network slicing capabilities with technology solutions like IoT, Edge and Cloud, third party services and vertical industry applications to unlock new revenue and growth models.

5G capabilties create new opportunities for CSPs to automatically configure and monetise their networks in ways that were not previously possible. At the same time, 95% of enterprises and small to medium businesses (SMBs) recently surveyed believe that participating in an ecosystem of partners to create and deliver advanced solutions is more promising than the 5G network technology itself.

It is imperative that CSPs bring together these two worlds by integrating new network offerings and revenue models with additional technologies, applications, and partner services, thus co-creating solutions that address evolving business-to-business (B2B) needs in the healthcare, industrial, transportation and public sector industries and beyond.

This partnership was created to enable CSPs to do exactly that, giving them the advantage of MATRIXX Software’s 5G monetisation capabilities, integrated with Beyond’s digital ecosystem orchestration and monetisation platform.

“5G is about integrated solutions that require CSPs to seamlessly orchestrate and monetise several technologies and partner contributions often in real-time, which most IT environments cannot address today,” says Karl Whitelock, IDC research vice president, communications service provider operations and monetisation.

“To get the true value out of 5G, CSPs need to scale their IT to support a growing number of use cases and expanding number of partners, thereby requiring a digital ecosystem orchestration and monetisation platform to meet these needs such as that defined by the Beyond and MATRIXX partnership.”

The marrying of Beyond by BearingPoint and MATRIXX Software capabilities include:

“This partnership creates a best of both worlds scenario for CSPs looking to maximise the return on their massive 5G investments, as well as satisfy the B2B customer need for solutions that address their efficiency and growth challenges. Our joint solution will give CSPs the ability to monetise their network and effectively co-create and orchestrate those essential partner ecosystems,” says Angus Ward, CEO, Beyond by BearingPoint.

“We are thrilled to be collaborating with Beyond by BearingPoint to bring our partnership’s joint solution to the highly competitive CSP market,” added Glo Gordon, CEO, MATRIXX Software. “Working together, we are excited to make it possible for CSPs to offer market-winning solutions that rely on the agility and scalability of our joint, end-to-end monetisation capabilities.”

For more information about the solution, please visit here.

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