Press Releases

Future of the Home report lists 18 tech and design innovations for 2021 and beyond

January 28, 2021

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Global homelift company, Aritco has joined forces with innovation platform and forecaster, Springwise to list their top 18 home innovations. They say these are what we can expect to see in our homes in 2021 and beyond.

The 36-page research paper, Future of the Home, presents a view of how our lives at home might be shifting in light of the pandemic.

“For many of us, seeing the back of 2020 can’t come too soon,” according to David Schill, Aritco’s market­ing director. “We see design and innovation as a crucial part of moving forward. So we commissioned this deep-dive into the global innovations that will be shaping how we live in our homes safely and comfort­ably, without sacrificing style or design.

Our research and development team has already begun explor­ing some of the innovations in this report and we hope Future of the Home might help other design and architectural brands to take on 2021 with promise and optimism.”

The 18 global innovations forecast in Future of the Home are:

Air purification system disguised as a piece of art

Windows that become solar cells when heated

Home radiator that uses infrared radiation to save energy

A bladeless ceiling fan that kills microorganisms

Smart circadian lightbulbs that provide personalised body clock lighting

Self-cleaning antibacterial pop-up home office

Ceiling panels that use ultraviolet technology to remove infec­tious air particles

A contactless button system to install in existing lifts to reduce bacteria transmission

Shelf that disinfects hands and phones

A pop-up office kit to recreate office-like virtual presentations from your bedroom

Platform that targets ‘Zoom fatigue’ by injecting lift into virtual meetings

Data encryption device that protects home-based information systems

Home tech that orders your groceries with voice instructions

Augmented reality app that helps visualise what art will look like in your home

Artificial intelligence sensors that detect if the washing ma­chine needs repairing

Bedside device tracks significant heart rate changes to reduce medical appointments

App allows the home-bound to make incredible journeys in real time

Music therapy app uses artificial intelligence to create soothing personalised playlist

Springwise’s Justin Sablich, the editor of Future of the Home comments, “Innovations in tech, materials and processes are quickly pivoting in response to the pandemic, as are their applications. Products pre­viously associated with commercial and public places are increasingly being applied to peoples’ living spaces for instance.

And our consumption patterns have drastically shifted. For instance, within six years the air purifier market is expected to attain sales of US$24.6 billion (€20.33 billion) and by 2025 the antimicrobial coating market is set to expand to US$5 billion (€4.13billion). Beyond hygiene consumption and physical safety we have iden­tified creative new ways that businesses are helping us maintain meaningful connections with the outside world, while we continue to spend more time in our homes.”

Future of the Home, produced by Springwise and commissioned by Aritco can be viewed on here. or here.

Springwise, established in 2002, is a source of global innovation intelligence and forecaster of cross-sector busi­ness trends. Springwise gives a platform to innovations that matter and which bring about positive and sustained change. Aritco was founded in 1995 as a manufacturer of lifts for schools, public buildings, offices and re­tail stores.

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