Press Releases

Smart city hardware market may top US$1.7trn, reports IDTechEx

November 5, 2020

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Raghu Das of IDTechEx

Investors SpaceX, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Baidu, Toyota, Tesla, Hyundai, VW, LG, Apple, and Virgin are involved in smart cities in ways you may not expect. Their involvement spans making complete smart cities from scratch to robot shuttles replacing 10 types of vehicle, vertical take-off taxis, Hyperloop, vertical farming, battery elimination, solar and sensor everything, and structural electronics.

The new IDTechEx report, “Smart Cities Market 2021-2041: Energy, Food, Water, Materials, Transportation Forecasts explains how $0.1 (€0.0085) to $0.5 trillion (€0.042 trillion) smart city budgets are often not in the richest countries and certainly not centred on snooping.

Business opportunities

Here is infrastructure and vehicle elimination as much as adding things for the zero-emission, verdant, independent future. The 320-page report analyses and forecasts the major disruptive opportunities for radically new city materials, equipment and systems totaling a $1.7 trillion (€1.44 trillion) market in 2041. The priority is business opportunities.

The approach is broad because this is an IDTechEx “master” report. Many IDTechEx drill-down reports cascade from it specifically on vertical farming in cities, cultivated meat replacing conventional farms, zero-emission desalination for cities, energy independent cities, robot shuttles, large microLED displays, structural photovoltaics, future stationary energy storage, materials informatics, 5G, required new sensors and so on. Indeed, IDTechEx has the world’s collection of new reports on smart city technology opportunities.

This report investigates 151 companies radically transforming 500 cities. Focused on commercial opportunities, best practice and gaps in the market, it has many timelines to 2050 and detailed forecasts 2021-2041. The presentation is easily understood because it mostly consists of new infograms, tables, graphs, diagrams and pictures packed with new information and insights.

IDTechEx reportedly has Ph.D. level analysts across the world interviewing in local languages. CEO, Raghu Das says, “Smart cities can be energy, food and water independent even in the sea or desert, eliminating pollution, traffic accidents, traffic jams, sidewalks, service staff, fuel supply chains and piping of sewerage and power. Transport is reinvented, smart buildings and city redesign are boosted by the emerging multipurpose materials arriving in walkways, robot shuttles and agrivoltaics. However, we caution about others such as the viability of electricity from road movement or heat and the safety of early deployment of vertical take-off battery air taxis. Hyperloop has major challenges unsolved.”

He continues, “We give many new ideas for smart city materials and hardware based on our appraisal of the latest multipurpose materials research in universities and companies. That includes a lot on materials optically, electronically and electrically multipurpose, some functionally edit-able on arrival. Cities will get new magic from such things as transparent and magnetic concrete and electronically-darkening, electricity-producing glass. Some will even double as light-emitting moving colour displays using newly viable transparent OLEDs and microLED arrays.”

He enthuses, “Expect robot rooftop greenhouses, robot vertical farms, more varied aquaculture, saline farming, solar desalination farming and blue energy because most cities are on river, sea or saline marsh. We reveal a $100 billion opportunity for zero-emission modular gensets: distributed power is now the name of the game. We appraise ubiquitous sensor systems and information and communications technology advances supporting all this.”

There are 10 infograms of the city of the future and its technologies and ten global maps of technologies and issues plus 35 detailed forecasts including primary energy, off-grid harvesting, photovoltaic materials, solar ground surface cladding, smart glass, robot bus, robotaxi, robot shuttle, vehicle robotic systems by autonomy level, electric light-commercial vehicles, key robotic components, sensors, vertically farmed produce, cultured meat grown in cities to replace living foodstock, multifunctional composites.

The Executive Summary and Conclusions may be sufficient in themselves, says IDTechEx, with 30 important smart cities compared, 16 key conclusions on issues targeted, 7 key conclusions on the primary new technologies to be applied and the 30 most important forecasts. Two chapters then introduce and quantify issues and many examples of the latest solutions. Other chapters go into city energy, food and water independence technology then reinvented city transport. Final chapters cover city cognitive infrastructure, sensor systems and much detail on those vital smart materials.

Click here for more details.

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