Press Releases

42 Technology publishes Rust source code for single-chip IoT demo

October 21, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Following market interest in its approach, 42 Technology has now published the Rust source code for its single-chip Internet of Things (IoT) application demo, based on the Nordic nRF9160 wireless System-in-Package (SiP). The source code for the demo, which was first announced in August, is available under either the MIT or Apache 2.0 licences from here

The decision to make the application demo open source reflects that Rust is a true community effort with a focus on empowering everyone to develop efficient and reliable software. The demo will also allow interested users to test out Rust on the nRF9160 SiP to assess its suitability for their low cost and low powered cellular IoT product development projects.

The application demo can be used to demonstrate all the essential functions needed to build an asset tracker or a similar system of interest. It offers a simple menu system on the serial interface listing all the available options including: a help function, acquiring a GPS fix, demonstrating internet connectivity via the LTE Cat-M network, and driving the LEDs on the demo board.

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