Press Releases

NovaSparks introduces pure FPGA optimised market data distribution for microwave networks

May 7, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

NovaSparks™, the field programmable gate array (FPGA) market data company, announced that its pure FPGA ticker plant appliance, NovaTick, can now automatically adapt its output data rate to microwave networks’ strict bandwidth requirements.

Transmitting market data updates over microwave networks is notoriously challenging due to their inherently low bandwidth capacity. Heavy traffic periods magnify this challenge. Using patent pending bandwidth shaping and market data conflation mechanisms, NovaTick is able to conform to the networks’ limitations.

With this critical new offering, banks and trading firms can now leverage their NovaSparks deployment to distribute market data over their existing microwave networks in the most efficient way.

Luc Burgun

“Market data distribution over microwave networks is an expensive yet critical part of any ultra-low latency trading infrastructure,” commented NovaSparks CEO Luc Burgun. “Conflation ensures that the most recent market data updates are transmitted, while simultaneously eliminating large latency peaks that would otherwise occur during market bursts. This new NovaTick distribution option allows banks and trading firms to better utilise their costly wireless network, while still offering the ultra-low latency performance that only pure FPGA solutions can deliver.”

NovaTick’s microwave-optimised output feature is implemented in pure hardware which provides significantly lower and more deterministic latency than any comparable software solution. In addition to bandwidth shaping and market data conflation, NovaTick also provides the ability to aggregate trades and publish snapshots.

Available for all 60 feeds of the NovaTick catalogue, the new interface comes as an additional output option, along with the already existing 10Gig Ethernet, PCIe DMA and NovaLink options.

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