IoT News

DTC and INCOSE join forces to advance digital twin systems

October 21, 2024

Posted by: Magda Dabrowska

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The Digital Twin Consortium has announced a liaison agreement with INCOSE, the International Council on Systems Engineering, a not-for-profit membership organisation founded to develop and disseminate the transdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realisation of systems. INCOSE joined the consortium to facilitate developing, adopting and monetising digital twin systems.

“We are excited about working with INCOSE,” said Dan Isaacs, GM and CTO of Digital Twin Consortium. “Their experience in systems engineering will be very valuable as we work together to advance the use of digital twins across all industries.”

Steve Records, the executive director at INCOSE, said, “As the trusted authority in Systems Engineering, we are excited to bring the INCOSE experience and network to the DTC. INCOSE’s Vision 2035 notes that the future of SE is model-based. There is a distinct intersection and synergy between MBSE and Digital Twin technology. We aim to bring foundational and state-of-the-art SE thinking to DTC.”

The two groups have agreed to the following:

Digital Twin Consortium will exchange information through regular consultations, seminars and training development vehicles.

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