IoT News

Belden integrates CloudRail with AWS IoT SiteWise for data solutions

September 6, 2024

Posted by: Magda Dabrowska

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Belden has announced an integration of its CloudRail software functionality with AWS IoT SiteWiseCloudRail, which Belden acquired in 2023, enables cloud-based device management that allows users to roll out, manage and update edge devices globally. Its fully managed solution pre-processes data locally before sending it to any cloud. This integration brings together AWS’ data services and CloudRail’s protocol management software for brownfield and greenfield data acquisition, providing customers with a complete data solution.

The combined solution enables customers to \connect their industrial assets and sensors to the AWS cloud using CloudRail’s proven software capabilities. CloudRail is designed to streamline and standardise the discovery, acquisition and normalisation of data from any industrial environments, delivering it in a ready-to-use format. The collected data is then ingested into AWS IoT SiteWise Edge for local processing, monitoring and storage, while also being synchronised with AWS IoT SiteWise in the AWS cloud for enterprise-wide visibility and advanced analytics.

Key benefits of the CloudRail and AWS IoT SiteWise Edge integration include:

“The integration of CloudRail with AWS IoT SiteWise Edge provides our customers with a powerful and streamlined solution for industrial data acquisition and analysis,” said Matthew Wopata, the global product line management leader for data software applications at Belden. “This marks the latest way Belden and its brands are helping companies around the world gather data at the edge so they can use it to improve processes and increase efficiency.”

Setup of the CloudRail integration is streamlined for users: In a drop-down selection in the AWS Console, users can simply add CloudRail’s software as a data source for their IoT SiteWise Edge gateway. To set up the sensors, smart meters and OPC UA servers as field devices, users are directed to the CloudRail Device Management Cloud (DMC). Everything else is automatically done within AWS. This allows end users to benefit from the simplicity of the CloudRail solution without the need to deploy physical edge gateways.

CloudRail’s new integration with AWS IoT SiteWise Edge, the latest collaboration between Belden and AWS, is now available to customers. To learn more, visit the AWS booth during the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), set for Sept. 9-14 in Chicago.