IoT News

Metro Cebu to benefit from Iteris’ ITS solutions

May 17, 2024

Posted by: Magda Dabrowska

Subway station

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Iteris has announced it has been chosen to support the selection and deployment of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies in Metro Cebu, Philippines as part of a USTDA-funded ITS modernisation project.

This technical assistance activity is provided by USTDA to the grantee, Philippines’ Department of Transportation (“DOTr”). The project involves developing an ITS master plan for the growing Cebu City and 12 surrounding local government units. Because of their large population and quick growth, the region is facing considerable challenges related to transportation infrastructure, causing congestion, delays and unsafe traffic conditions.

The project aims to identify ITS solutions that can improve traffic management, reduce vehicle emissions, enhance road safety and advance efficiencies in intra/inter Metro Cebu cargo and passenger movements.

Iteris is a subconsultant to Nathan Associates, LLC, a global partner for providing analytic and economic solutions worldwide. Iteris will lead the ITS activities, including assessment of current conditions, development of ITS technology recommendations, review of potential technology suppliers in the U.S. and creation of the ITS master plan.

“We’re happy to have been selected to be part of this international initiative, which is another recognition of our team’s expertise in modernising transportation infrastructures,” said Moe Zarean, the general manager of mobility operations services at Iteris. “This project will be critical to improving mobility in Metro Cebu at an essential time of growth, and we’re excited to work closely with all stakeholders to make it a success.”

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