SIBCA Connect IoT Platform Earns UL Solutions’ Platinum Rating

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UL Solutions announced it issued the first Smart System Verified Platinum rating for the SIBCA Connect: Internet of Things (IoT) Platform. SIBCA is a provider of fire, life safety and information and communication technology (ICT) solutions.
“With our Smart Systems Rating Programme, UL Solutions is helping the industry navigate the growing complexity of smart building systems and solidify the definition of a smart product based on features and best practices,” said Sudhi Sinha, vice president of Ecosystems and Service Development at UL Solutions. “UL Solutions is pleased to announce that SIBCA has earned the Smart System Verified Platinum rating for their SIBCA Connect IoT Platform. Our Smart Systems Rating, a UL Marketing Claim Verification, helps our customers deliver confidence and peace of mind to buyers and consumers during their decision-making process, which helps them elevate their brand above competitors that self-declare their claims.”
UL Solutions evaluated the SIBCA Connect platform using UL MCV 1587, Methodology for Marketing Claim Verification: Smart System Verified to level Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond. This assessment — along with evidence from SIBCA — enabled UL Solutions to verify SIBCA’s marketing claim about its product.
“UL Solutions Smart Systems Rating Programme enabled us to demonstrate the level of our SIBCA Connect IoT Platform’s smart system claim and differentiate our solution in a competitive and challenging market. We are honoured to achieve the first Smart System Verified Platinum rating for our SIBCA Connect platform and be part of this industry-first programme,” said Ibrahim Lari, chairman and CEO of SIBCA.
UL Solutions evaluates building systems and products according to the Smart System Rating Programme across six categories: connectivity and interoperability, control and automation, digital experience, functional value, resiliency and cybersecurity. This assessment is performed based on the specifications published in UL MCV 1587. Each category has different areas of examination reflected in sub-categories, and the examination utilises science-based methodology against these criteria and the published specification.
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