Press Releases

Edgewater Wireless announces multiple requests for engineering samples of MLX 488 WiFi7 platform

August 23, 2023

Posted by: Shriya Raban

Edgewater Wireless Systems Inc, has announced demand from multiple Tier-1 service providers and OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) supported by requests for engineering samples of Edgewater’s MLX 488 Wi-Fi 7 Spectrum Slicing platform. Edgewater is currently undertaking focused engineering efforts and is targeting delivery in Q2 2024.

Engineering samples represent beta editions of integrated circuits intended for compatibility, validation or demonstration purposes. They are commonly provided to OEMs and service providers before the chip launch, facilitating production development or showcasing new features and functionality.

Edgewater’s MLX 488 Wi-Fi 7 platform is silicon solution to couple the performance of Wi-Fi 7 with proven flexibility of Wi-Fi spectrum slicing. Highly differentiated features include:

Newly appointed VP of marketing for Edgewater Wireless, Nicolas Fortineau, states, “The promising trial results presented by Edgewater alongside public endorsement by a major Tier 1 have shown how Spectrum Slicing has the potential to transform the broadband customer experience even for legacy devices. As a result of the PoC and Pilot, there has been significant interest from a growing number of Tier 1’s and OEMs as they request samples of our latest silicon. Edgewater offers service providers a way to improve performance for the billions of existing devices deployed, plus bringing the latest Wi-Fi 7 features to new devices. It’s a massive win and a thrilling time in the growth and evolution of Edgewater.”

With Edgewater’s Wi-Fi spectrum slicing, service providers and vendors are no longer forced to replace all existing devices, such as Wi-Fi 4/5/6, on the network to benefit from the developing Wi-Fi 7 standard. In other words, the 20+ billion existing Wi-Fi devices, such as TVs, smartphones and gaming consoles, do not need to be replaced to realise the gains associated with Spectrum Slicing plus the new devices can benefit from the Wi-Fi 7 standard. Using advanced signal processing techniques, Spectrum Slicing is proven to deliver lower latency (50% or more) and 7 to 18 times performance gains over legacy, single-channel Wi-Fi architectures for existing and new devices.

Growth for Edgewater Wireless is to be supported by an anticipated blend of traditional and non-dilutive growth capital, newly formed alliances and government programmes anchoring silicon production in North America, and further market penetration of Edgewater’s recently launched Wi-Fi 7 product line.

For more information on our MLX 488 products or to request ‘beta’ samples, visit Edgewater Wireless at here.

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