Corsha secures new contract with OSD ManTech through ‘Point of Need Challenge’

Anusha Iyer of Corsha
Corsha Inc., a Washington D.C. -based cybersecurity company, announced that it has secured a new contract through the Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Technology Programme’s (OSD ManTech) ‘Point of Need Challenge Pitch Event’. The OSD ManTech Challenge was part of a broader Department of Defense (DoD) initiative to drive the growth and sustainment of US domestic advanced manufacturing capabilities
This initiative launched nine Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (MIIs) between 2012 and 2021. One of those MIIs is the ARM (advanced robotics for manufacturing) Institute, which Corsha worked with to create and submit its proposal.
Corsha’s proposal, “Securing the Digital Backbone with Corsha’s Zero-Trust Platform for Machines,” was selected for funding. This proposal will also address the cybersecurity and operational limitations that forward-operating bases (FoBs) face in austere environments by providing zero-trust (ZT) network access across the manufacturing network and automating cybersecurity hygiene to its full extent in these Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) environments.
Corsha will be deploying its platform on-premise at the PoN (passive optical network) and demonstrating regulated access to a tabletop FANUC (Fuji Automatic NUmerical Control) Robotic Arm but also controlled, ZT access to a shared artifact repository. This ability to cross OT (operational technology) and IT (information technology) networks and treat all “machines” uniformly is one of Corsha’s key differentiators, be that a robotic arm in the field, an artifact repository in a datacenter, or workload in the cloud.
As communication and data movement from OT equipment at the PoN to IT applications and the cloud and back again are becoming the status quo, cybersecurity solutions like Corsha are key to protecting landscape.
“We’re incredibly proud to be selected to work with our partners at ARM and the OSD ManTech team to support our forward-deployed forces,” says Anusha Iyer, CEO and founder of Corsha. “At Corsha, our aim is to bring these practical and innovative solutions to the field every day, help our customers tackle complex cybersecurity challenges, and take innovation forward like this to the Point of Need.”
The six project teams that won an award backed by OSD ManTech will see a total investment of nearly [$2.5 million (€2.25 million)] and bring in industry collaboration. Corsha has contributed its proven technology to this initiative and continue its work to improve cybersecurity in the manufacturing sector. Project demonstrations are planned for December 2023 in a simulated cold weather environment, supported by Army DEVCOM.
To learn more about Corsha’s Zero Trust Platform, visit Corsha.
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