Modules launched by WisBlock to deliver new IoT solutions

Singapore. 2 February, 2022 – RAKwireless Technology Co., Ltd., a provider of LPWA end-to-end solutions and IoT technology, is releasing 16 new WisBlock modules, four Developer Kits and adding a new category for WisBlock Solutions.
Some of the modules we will release are a tracker for LoRaWAN solutions, soil moisture and temperature sensors, developer kits, and GNSS Tracker for LoraWAN.
“We are very excited about the new line of modules to the WisBlock suite. These modules are connecting the devices of the future from soil moisture to temperature to enabling devices such as WiFi and motorised applications,” says WisBlock product manager, Bernd. “WisBlock’s modular setup makes implementing and scaling IoT projects approachable, whether starting with a prototype or adding to a final product, this new line of modules and kits will empower students across the globe.”
Below is a list of each module and example use cases for each:
WisBlock radar sensor
WisBlock RAK12013 Radar module is a motion detection sensor based on Radar technology. This motion detection sensor can detect humans and pets in the sensing range of 5-7m. It can be used as a security system to detect intruders or for light automation.
WisBlock ToF sensor
This sensor can measure distances between the sensor and an obstacle/object up to 1.5m.
WisBlock flex sensor
This sensor can measure the bending of objects using a flexible sensor that changes resistance when bent. This module has an ADC converter chip in the board to ensure that the analogue trace of the sensor is short, ensuring data integrity.
WisBlock IR sensor
This sensor works with an infrared light beam and a receiver that detects if the IR beam is reflected by an object. It can be used in production lines to detect if a part is in the correct position on an automatic production line, to detect objects in close proximity to the sensor and in self-driving cars to detect guiding tracks on the floor.
WisBlock code scanner
The Code Scanner can read a wide variety of 1D and 2D barcodes like QR codes, EAN-8, ISBN and other barcode formats. It can also be used in production lines to read barcodes from assembly lines, in shops to read barcodes from products during checkout and in self-driving cars to setup the vehicle with direction information or location informations
WisBlock UV sensor
This sensor can measure both ambient and UV light intensities. It can be used in greenhouse control applications, UV level warning systems and in building lightning and window shadowing applications
WisBlock soil moisture sensor
This sensor can be connected to one to three soil moisture and temperature sensors and used to build a soil moisture measurement system for gardening, farming and schools.
WisBlock relay
This module can control AC voltage up to 250V and a max AC current of 1A. It can be used to control 250V AC equipment like light bulbs, electrical motors, fans and conveyors.
WisBlock LPWAN
This module gives WisBlock Core modules without internal LPWAN by adding an LPWAN transceiver in the IO slot of WisBlock. This module extends the WiFi and Bluetooth capability of the RAK11200 with LoRa/LPWAN communications.
WisBlock NFC reader
This module enables reading and writing of NFC tags (RFID cards, NFC enabled devices like phones). It is an WisBlock IO module with an external coil to connect with the NFC devices.
WisBlock keypad module in 3×3, 3×4 and 4×4
Add an haptic UI to the WisBlock solution for information input from the user. The flexible FPC cable between the Keyboards and the interface module makes it easy to place the keyboards at an convenient position.
WisBlock rotary input
This module is easy-to-use manual entry of data into WisBlock solutions.
WisBlock ADC module
This module can measure up to 8 analogue inputs from 0 to 3V and connect up to 8 analogue sensors to WisBlock
RAKwireless is also launching four new developer kits for a variety of applications from entry to weather, tracking and air quality. Below is a list of all new trackers and suggested use cases:
RAK developer kit: WisGate developer kit with the WisBlock starter kit
All kits include everything required to send data from a LoRaWAN node to a LoRaWAN gateway and forward the data to a LoRaWAN server. These kits include the LoRaWAN gateway and a LoRaWAN node that makes it easy to build a LoRaWAN system and send data to a LoRaWAN server.
RAK developer kit: WisGate developer kit with the WisBlock weather kit
This kit offers ready to use products “Built With RAK’s WisBlock” to our customers. The products are fully assembled and ready to use. They have an AT command interface to do the setup of the device.
Different from WisNode, the firmware for these products are Open Source and are accessible for customers on our Github account.
RAK developer kit: WisGate developer kit with the WisBlock weather monitor
This kit includes everything to build an asset tracker and send location information over LoRaWAN to the cloud/LoRaWAN server. It includes an IP65 outdoor enclosure with a solar panel to recharge the battery of the tracker. Important information: The kit does not include a battery, the battery has to be bought separate.
RAK developer kit: WisGate developer kit with the WisBlock air quality kit
This kit includes everything to build an indoor air quality monitor and send the air quality information over LoRaWAN to the cloud/LoRaWAN server. It includes an indoor enclosure to protect the WisBlock modules. Examples source code is available from RAKwireless and from the open source community.
WisBlock RAK10700 tracker for LoRaWAN solution
This tracker offers ready to use products “Built With RAK’s WisBlock” to customers. It comes fully assembled and ready to use with an AT command interface to do the setup of the device.
Learn more about WisBlock and the new modules here.
You can also review the updated WisBlock code repository here and the improved documentation centre, which now includes quick start guides here for all WisBlock modules.
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