Press Releases

Digi remote manager transformed to enable IoT network success

September 22, 2020

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Digi International, a global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity products and services, has announced the release of Digi Remote Manager, its device and network management cloud platform.

With these advances, Digi Remote Manager expands its ability to simplify device deployment and maintenance, ensure network uptime and security, and provides new levels of network management so that the network team is not required to change their business processes to accommodate rigid network tools.

Digi remote manager unlocks network value, delivers higher resiliency

Digi Remote Manager is a cloud-based platform that allows users to manage IoT devices and networks in any environment from anywhere in the world. With the ability to support applications from industrial IoT to branch connectivity, intelligent traffic management and everything in between, Digi Remote Manager unlocks the potential of IoT deployments across the board. It transforms dispersed IoT devices to a holistic IoT network, deriving operational and business value and delivering the secure, resilient network required by organisations today.

ElectriCities of North Carolina an organisation that provides a range of technical services to support power services throughout North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia uses Digi Remote Manager to maintain a complex network that covers thousands of square miles and to collect data from an array of meters, generators and telemetry equipment.

“I was here before Digi Remote Manager, so I can speak directly to the difference that it has made in terms of both saving costs and providing new value,” says John Coates, lead systems coordinator for ElectriCities. “Our ability to remotely maintain our network, collect data, and optimise our systems with on-device intelligence has allowed us to grow and maximise our output to best serve our members.”

Advanced configuration features bring market leading capabilities

Device Configuration, Monitoring and Maintenance are the core of any device management software, but Digi provides key differentiators that simplify processes and provide additional value.

Complex Task Automation and Task Scheduling both enable users to optimise their time and improve operational efficiency, albeit in different ways.

Digi remote manager opens the door to critical API integration

API Explorer allows users to browse and test hundreds of APIs in a live environment on the platform to validate that the code works before it is live throughout the network.

Digi Remote Manager APIs allow you to integrate and run third- party applications, both cloud based and on premises, to run data rules, batches, as well as import and export data and to execute reports providing deeper insight to device deployments. ​

With 175 security controls, digi remote manager delivers critical compliance

Software-defined Security provides more than 175 controls to protect data and devices and maintain compliance with ISO27002’s ISMS, NERCs critical infrastructure protection (CIP) guidance, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls Matrix, as well as relevant HIPAA and NIST standards.

Robust reporting options and custom alerts give users a full library of reports that they can easily pull to meet their needs, while alerts are customisable to ensure specific performance levels are maintained and the network is functioning properly.

 Customer experience

Upgraded UI/UX offers simpler and more intuitive management via a smarter, customisable, widget-based dashboard. This “build what you need” model allows users to create the views they want and to easily access the data required to manage a dynamic network. Meanwhile, a new Dark Mode option ensures that field engineers operating from a tablet or phone in the field can easily see these dashboards on their physical screens no matter the lighting or conditions.

 Analytics engine provides network insights

Notification Center is a new addition delivering direct communications to users including notices of firmware updates, account renewal information, and instant alerts of security threats.

Pre-build reports help save time while providing the high demand data needed to efficiently manage an intelligent network as well as providing data to maximise device uptime.

Real-Time Diagnostics facilitate maintenance and troubleshooting.

“Businesses won’t be able to realise the full value of their IoT initiatives if they are not focused on maximising its entire network of devices,” says Brian Kirkendall, vice president of product management at Digi International. “Digi Remote Manager transforms the way that businesses are able to think about and deploy their projects.

From industry leading security software to maximised uptime and simplified operations, we help build a secure and valuable network that gives those businesses the peace of mind that operations are within compliance without the need for elaborate solutions.”

Digi Remote Manager is available in multiple offerings, allowing users to select the service that best meet each user’s needs.

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