Press Releases

Chainway C72 helps Enhance Warehouse Visibility for IKEA in Saudi Arabia

September 15, 2020

Posted by: IoT global network

Efficient warehousing management can not only save business costs and increase the speed of logistic operations, but also provide customers with more efficient and timely delivery services, and improve customer satisfaction and the overall image of the company. To this end, Saudi IKEA decided to introduce barcode and UHF technology and selected the Chainway C72 UHF RFID reader for inventory and trace management of warehoused goods.

IKEA in Saudi Arabia deployed Chainway RFID reader C72 for high traceability in the warehouse. A unique barcode/RFID tag was attached to each product as its exclusive ID. During lodging and delivery of items in the warehouse, put-away, cycle-counting, and sorting, warehouse workers can easily access read the barcode/tag to process the products quickly and accurately. Based on the UHF function of C72, it could realize bulk reading of goods in the warehouse, which immensely improved the efficiency of the stock-taking process. Besides, the corresponding data can be conveniently transmitted to the database system in real-time via Wi-Fi.

In the traditional management method, the inventory of warehoused goods is mainly manual, which requires a lot of work and low efficiency, which requires a lot of time and labor costs, and is prone to errors. Moreover, due to a large number of goods in the warehouse, it is impossible to quickly and accurately know the location information of the goods in the warehouse. It is rather tedious and time-consuming to find the goods in the warehouse, which affects the overall delivery efficiency and low customer satisfaction. For managers, it is impossible to access accurate inventory entry and exit information in real-time and formulate a procurement plan initially, which makes up for the deficiency and affects the logistic operations of the company.

Now, with the introduction of C72, a host of problems in the above-mentioned traditional warehouse management methods have been effectively solved. C72, used for commodity inventory, and the inventory work that previously consumed a lot of time can now be processed within a few minutes, which significantly improves the speed and accuracy of inventory work. Intelligent receipt and delivery are processed, and the sorting process is automated and intelligent, away from manual operations. The accuracy of commodity sorting is efficiently improved, which promotes the high-speed processing of commodity distribution and ensures timely replenishment of goods.

For managers and companies, through the application of the C72 smart terminal, the entire circulation status of the commodity and the person responsible for the corresponding link can be effectively tracked, and problems can be found in time and dealt with in the initial stages, minimizing errors caused by loss. The inventory of goods gets minimized; at the same time, retention time is shortened, which optimizes the allocation of storage resources and improves the utilization of storage space. The circulation speed of specific goods gets superior as the circulation cycle gets shortened. The minimal process improves customer satisfaction, and the overall service quality and brand image of the company gets enhanced.