How to achieve smooth and effective device onboarding through a mobile application - IoT global network


How to achieve smooth and effective device onboarding through a mobile application

January 22, 2020

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of things that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. To access any IoT device, it should be on-boarded so that it becomes a part of the IoT ecosystem.

Device onboarding is a process that involves providing network access to the device, says Prima Saraiya, a senior marketing executive at Volansys, registering that device on a cloud/server and giving appropriate inputs to use the services of the device from any location using the internet.

This process should be seamless and should take as little time as possible to complete, reducing the user’s efforts and time to set up the device for actual usage. A simple onboarding process helps consumers who struggle with technology and will not put them off.

To onboard any IoT device, there are various methods including onboarding via a mobile application, on-device screen control and one-click (by AWS). The most commonly used method is onboarding through a mobile application as it allows you to connect and control the IoT devices, observe the onboarding progress, allow users to add data in the mobile application and transfer to the IoT device via BLE or Wi-Fi, and lastly, diagnose onboarding or control issues as and when required.

Let’s understand the common challenges faced by the user during device onboarding via a mobile application:

Corrective actions you can take to solve these challenges and make the device onboarding process smooth are:

Prima Saraiya

Every small step which reduces customer efforts to onboard any device will win their satisfaction. Successful device onboarding also helps the company to lower support and maintenance costs. Thus, by making every single customer’s device onboarding experience simple and seamless, companies can generate loyalty and better brand positioning for their products.

The author is Prima Saraiya, senior marketing executive, Volansys 

About the author

Prima Saraiya is a senior marketing executive with proven experience in digital marketing, lead generation, collateral development, brand promotions, partner relationships, and events management.

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