Press Releases

TeleSign expands globally and launches new mobile identity solutions with Bouygues Telecom

November 26, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

TeleSign, a global provider of mobile identity, announced a new partnership with Bouygues Telecom. The partnership will enable Bouygues Telecom to protect its users from online fraud activities such as Account Takeover (ATO) through Sim Swap & Synthetic Identity fraud.

The European digital market has been observing disruptive innovation in recent years as more digital enterprises have started to roll out new B2C services in fintech, lifestyle, travel, ecommerce, gaming and social media. The rate of disruption has also challenged the incumbents (legacy banks, insurance companies and similar enterprises) in these segments to change their UX models and provide better services through mobile and web experiences.

This phenomenon creates an increasing demand for these companies to validate and protect a user’s identity online. As users’ digital journeys are increasingly centred around a mobile number, Mobile Identity will see significant growth in these markets. While there are different trust providers in the market that can help validate user identities, mobile operators are the most accurate source of trust when it comes to Mobile Identity.

“Mobile Identity represents a massive opportunity for mobile operators to play a key role in today’s digital disruption,” said Ravish Patel, director of mobile identity at TeleSign. “TeleSign has been working with mobile operators, guiding them on key aspects around the opportunity, use cases and privacy principles.”

TeleSign is a trusted partner to 21 of the top 25 global web properties, enabling them to securely and effectively communicate with billions of end-user accounts. TeleSign offers mobile operators the ability to increase the security for their subscribers and customer base.

“Ensuring a high level of Security and Data Privacy for their end users has always been a main concern for the mobile operators. Mobile Identity is a great opportunity to build on those foundations. Through this partnership, we get access to the most comprehensive solutions in the market to date, as well as the security that TeleSign provides,” said Alexandre Gavina, B2B marketing manager at Bouygues Telecom. “Having a partner who is able to help anticipate and mitigate new threat vectors is critical to protect our end users and to deliver the highest quality of service to them.”

For more information about how TeleSign can support mobile operators, click here

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