Press Releases

Neudata launches alternative data selection tool

April 29, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Rado Lipuš of Neudata

Neudata, the global alternative data evaluation company, is delighted to announce the launch of a dataset selection tool, an innovative comparison tool to help clients navigate the rapidly growing universe of datasets in the most efficient way.

Neudata clients will be able to compare sets of data across a range of metrics, helping them determine which is most relevant to their individual investment strategy.

Neudata Scout platform

“With the volume of data available to clients increasing at such a rapid rate, selecting the most useful and relevant is a huge challenge that can easily slow down your investment process,” said Rado Lipuš, founder and CEO of Neudata. “We’re aiming to change this.”

Daryl Smith, head of Research, added: “We’ve launched this in direct response to client requests. There’s clearly a need to reduce the hassle associated with discovering and comparing basic features of datasets such as affordability, history, universe applicability and many other factors. This tool does exactly that.”

Neudata provides fund managers and quant strategists with alternative data intelligence and research from over one thousand sources. The Neudata selection tool is bespoke and free to use for all Neudata clients.

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