DRG uses Talend Cloud to scale up its provision of integrated healthcare market intelligence

Ciaran Dynes of Talend
Talend , a provider of cloud integration solutions, reports that Decision Resources Group (DRG), a provider of high-value healthcare data, analytics and insights products and services, is using Talend Cloud to power its Real World Data Platform.
This is a comprehensive claims and electronic health record repository that covers more than 90% of the US healthcare system. Together with Talend and Snowflake’s cloud data warehouse, DRG built a trusted single source of truth for its customers to understand the market, optimise patient access to treatments, and meaningfully engage with both patients and physicians.
To extend its competitive edge, DRG needed to organise and combine a number of healthcare data sources, analyse information faster, and deliver more insightful analysis via several channels. With Talend Cloud, DRG has been able to scale-up and succeed in the fast-growing analytics area of healthcare market intelligence.
“Talend is keeping us at the cutting edge of healthcare data management by integrating new technologies as they become popular, without the need for us to re-tool,” said Sven Junkergard, CTO, DRG.
“Healthcare data isn’t always stored in a structured way, so we have to analyse millions of records and group data to get a picture of our sphere of influence. Talend drives all of that in the cloud—our algorithms get coded and executed in the Talend environment—and enables us to better serve our patients and physicians.”
In working with Talend, DRG is now 150% more productive and supports five times as many users, at no extra cost. Within three months of using Talend’s solutions, the company was able to onboard more than 100 terabytes of data to its system to support its various services. DRG’s IT staff now serves a large number of users who get their answers faster, which enables them to deliver products and services to market sooner.
“In order to provide their clients with comprehensive healthcare insights, DRG needed to organise and combine a number of data sources, analyse information faster, and deliver it via several channels,” said Ciaran Dynes, SVP of product, Talend.
“Talend has enabled DRG to navigate, structure, and quickly analyse large volumes of data. We’re proud to be a key player in helping DRG build trust with customers and the healthcare market as a whole.”
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