Press Releases

Europe’s largest IoT-hardware community launches its first event in Munich

April 17, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde


Hardware Pioneers, following its great success in London, announced it will be running four community events in Munich in 2018. The events will be headlined by spokespeople from leading companies in the IoT sector.

The first event will be held at Wayra GermanyTelefonica’s startup incubator, on the 26th April 2018. The topic of the event will be “The Future of Industrial IoT” with talks from IntelWürth Elektronik and Texas Instruments. A limited number of tickets are now available free of charge from the Hardware Pioneers’ website.

The event in June will be held at the Microsoft Technology Centre, and the topic will be the major technological challenges facing the connected car industry today and the best IoT solutions manufacturers are bringing to market.

September’s event at Wayra Germany will showcase IoT and hardware startup demos, with German, British and Chinese investors attending. Finally, the November event at Wayra Germany will bring together speakers from leading semiconductor manufacturers that will share best practices and new technologies to successfully prototyped connected devices.

Founder and CEO, David Bellisario said, “Hardware Pioneers is a thriving community of innovators and a platform where emerging startups, technical decision makers and engineers can connect with world-leading technology providers. Our goal is to boost the growth of the IoT sector by connecting, educating and inspiring pioneering businesses.”

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