Press Releases

Electric Imp announces platform-native bluetooth LE support for IoT applications

December 11, 2017

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Hugo Fiennes of Electric Imp.

Electric Imp has announced its platform now supports Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) communication, enabling manufacturers to quickly and easily address applications requiring local wireless connectivity.

With Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE supported natively, the Electric Imp platform can target a wide range of new use cases such as asset tracking, beacon management, wireless sensor integration, local smartphone connectivity, and other low power, low throughput communication applications.

As with the security features of impOS, the Bluetooth LE stack is continuously maintained and updated by Electric Imp, relieving customers of the burden of long-term security and compatibility maintenance. APIs provide powerful facilities such as advanced advertising filtering and GATT server management, enabling complex applications to be delivered quickly without extensive Bluetooth or embedded expertise.

“Support of Bluetooth LE is another way EIectric Imp has made it easier and faster for manufacturers to connect and deploy secure IoT-enabled devices,” said Hugo Fiennes, CEO and co-founder of Electric Imp. “Through our powerful platform and robust partner ecosystem, Electric Imp enables manufacturers to focus on their core strengths, bringing greater value to the products they offer customers.”

The imp004m Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module, manufactured and distributed by Murata, is claimed to be the first with Bluetooth LE capability. Tested and approved by both wireless regulatory agencies and the Bluetooth SIG, the integrated module makes prototyping and shipping hybrid Wi-Fi/Bluetooth applications easier than ever before.

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