Cost effective complete “One-Stop-Shop” passive RFID solution announced

PervasID, the RFID technology company, announces a complete single source solution that can detect, read and monitor RFID tags with the highest levels of accuracy (99%+). This allows goods to be tracked throughout their retail journey through warehouses or DCs,and from loading bays and storage areas in stores to front of store, checkout and store exit.
To achieve this, PervasID has added to its existing ground-breaking patented reader technologies for wide area and gate detection so that there are now four separate product groups which can operate either as stand-alone solutions or, as a fully featured integrated system.
The four product groups comprise:
- Dock door Ranger which can detect moving items in bulk at high tag density in and out of a warehouse.
- Space Ranger which uses a network of low profile flat ceiling tile antennas, each of which are located discretely at intervals across the shop floor or stockroom’ reducing the required number antennas needed by a staggering 75% as well as reducing the coaxial cabling requirement by 50%.
- POS Ranger which can automatically detect and deactivate purchases at the Point of Sale, reducing wait times in checkout queues as well as reducing labour costs.
- Security Ranger – a passive anti-theft ceiling based security system suitable for large exit areas and delivering reduced false positives combined with higher detection rates. This new low cost “smart” solution is predicted to reduce shrinkage significantly.
All four product groups deliver 99%+ detection rates for passive RFID tags even when these are distributed over wide areas and in high tag density environments. The products can be used for real time tracking of inventory, assets and people, delivering detailed sales visibility and insight, and ensuring better customer service, improved security and lower costs to businesses.

Dr Sabesan Sithamparanathan
Dr Sabesan Sithamparanathan, CEO of PervasID said “Historically retailers have had to work with multiple vendor technologies to deliver an end-to-end solution and of course that introduces additional complexities. We’re delighted to announce our fully integrated Ranger Series which not only massively simplifies the process of deploying and using passive RFID but also delivers the highest levels of accuracy, in the shortest time and lowest cost with a <12 months ROI.”
The advent of RFID promised retailers increased revenue, reduction of stock loss, enhanced overall shopping experience and key insights in to customer journeys through the store. With a fully integrated system this promise can now be delivered.
Sabesan will speak about the technology at this week’s RFID Journal LIVE! Europe conference and exhibition, held in London.
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