Car HMi USA 2018 – UX Redefined

Event date: April 23-24, 2018
Berlin, Germany
The Car HMi USA is Americas leading automotive HMI and UX event, taking place April 23-24, 2018.The event is a well-established international knowledge exchange platform bringing together 150+ stakeholders playing an active role in the HMI, UX & Design scene.
- Discover how vehicle automation changes HMI requirements and User experience design
- Discuss how to minimise driver distraction in a world of increased car capabilities and growing complexity for the driver
- Explore which role calm technologies in highly automated environments plays, what emotional designs are and how this affects UX design and brand perception
- Gain insights into future interaction concepts to enhance user experience
- Learn how to design multimodal interfaces to enhance traffic safety for drivers
- Explore Augmented Reality, AI and machine learning and its the advantages with regards to user experience & HMI development
- Future HMI architecture – What is the future display and controls strategy?
- Gain insights into the latest technologies and trends for displays, software, AR, AI, ADAS, interaction concepts etc.
For more information visit: Event Website