Vodafone champions ‘Platform IoT and Anything as a Service’ Catalyst at TM Forum Live! in Nice

A Catalyst entitled “A Platform for IoT and Anything as a Service” will take place on Wednesday, May 17 at 2:45pm, during TM Forum Live!, (May 15-18) in Nice, France.
Its objective is to demonstrate how to leverage the platform model and create the network effect for IoT services, enabling service providers to drive new IoT services and open up new revenue streams.
The catalyst project is being championed by Vodafone and includes solutions from Centina Systems, Huawei, Infosys and InverCloud. In addition to an onsite demonstration in the catalyst area of the show floor, White Papers on the subject and API contributions to TM Forum, this team will present their proof of concept on a panel session titled “Orchestrating a ‘Developers & Drone as a Service’ Platform Based Business Models for SDN/NFV with Open APIs.”
The panel will cover topics including:
- Why are platform based business models been championed by Vodafone and what ecosystems are being built?
- Why did the team look at ‘Developer and Drone as a Service’ scenarios in particular and why is infrastructure enablement important?
- Why is orchestration and assurance core to infrastructure enablement?
- What Open API’s were leveraged and what new API’s were contributed to the TM Forum to realise this scenario?
- What are the challenges to achieve the agility that Vodafone is looking for and how have the team addressed them?

Anand Gonuguntla
“This Catalyst has bought several leading industry players together to show how platform business models together with orchestration and closed-loop assurance can deliver innovative new services and new revenue streams to our industry,” said Lester Thomas, chief systems architect at Vodafone.
“TM Forum Live! is a convergence of the most relevant players in the industry, and we are thrilled to support the Catalyst and session for a group of our peers,” said Anand Gonuguntla, co-founder and CEO at Centina Systems. “It has been a great opportunity to work with Vodafone, Huawei, Infosys, and InverCloud on such an exciting initiative.”
“From the deep collaboration that we have undertaken with these partners, InverCloud are more convinced than ever of the exciting opportunities for the Telecoms community as Platform operators,” said Colum Horgan, CEO of InverCloud. “We feel that telcos, working together with the TM Forum API ecosystem can define a reference architecture and governance framework that will give telcos a leadership position in the new platform economy.”
To learn more about the Catalyst or to schedule a demo at TM Forum Live!, email David Warnock at dwarnock@centinasystems.com
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