Press Releases

Microsoft’s new tools and services to encourage developers to build more exciting and intelligent apps

May 15, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft

Satya Nadella, Scott Guthrie and Harry Shum welcomed thousands of developers to Seattle for Build 2017 — Microsoft’s annual developer conference.

The company announced new Azure data and cloud services to help developers quickly modernise their existing apps, new artificial intelligence (AI) and Azure services that reportedly allow developers to build intelligent apps more easily, with understanding and natural user interaction capabilities, and showcased new data, IoT (Internet of Things) edge and AI services built for a future with an intelligent cloud and intelligent edge.

“In a world of near infinite compute power and an exponential growth in data, we are focused on empowering every developer to build applications for this new era of intelligent cloud and intelligent edge,” said Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft.

A vision for more intelligence — from the cloud to the edge

Our world is overloaded with information, every minute, and yet it is in this very information — data — that opportunities and insights abound. To help customers realise these opportunities, Microsoft shared an early peek into innovations it is bringing to bear to help every person and organisation achieve more. In support of this vision Microsoft announced the following:

  1. A preview of Azure IoT Edge, technology that extends the intelligence — and other benefits — of cloud computing to edge devices.
  2. Extensions to the Microsoft Graph to combine insights from the world of work with device insights and contextual awareness of the physical world.
  3. Technology that will allow you to search the real world in the same way you search the digital world, helping to keep your data safe and secure while making you more productive.

The cloud for every developer, and tooling to target any platform and device

Microsoft says it is meeting developers where they are, and helping them be more successful, with new Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio services and tools to help modernise existing applications and quickly build intelligent apps for all major platforms:

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