$50,000 to be won building apps to kickstart new era in Industrial IoT with GE Brilliant Manufacturing

The best manufacturers in the world rely on a skilled workforce, quality materials, optimal processes, and reliable machines. When any of these elements start to fail, they create delays, cost overruns, waste, and anxiety on the shop floor.
That’s why GE is investing in the Brilliant Manufacturing Suite, powered by the Predix platform, to create software applications that can tell manufacturers how their plants are doing.
Now, GE Brilliant Hacks is challenging developers to build smart, connected Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) apps that harness the power of the GE Brilliant Manufacturing data APIs and microservices. Build apps, product extensions, or data visualisations that provide deeper insight into the manufacturing process, enabling plant managers to predict, adapt, and react for maximum efficiency.
GE’s solutions focus on empowering decision-makers through real-time visibility and deep operational intelligence. These solutions support insightful decisions with real-time quality and execution information and help balance plant production to improve product quality and profitability.
There are US$ 50,000 in prizes to be won:
Grand Prize
- $20,000
- One free pass to Predix Transform Developer Conference + $1,000 in travel allowance for one person
- Teleconference with Brilliant Manufacturing development staff to discuss the winning application and the future of cloud-based manufacturing applications
- One Predix development seat subscription for a year
Second Prize
- $15,000
- Teleconference with Brilliant Manufacturing development staff to discuss the winning application and the future directions of cloud-based manufacturing applications
- One Predix development seat subscription for a year
Third Prize
- $10,000
- One Predix development seat subscription for a year
Highest Potential Value to Manufacturers
- $4,000
- One Predix development seat subscription for a year
Popular Choice
- $1,000
- One Predix development seat subscription for a year
Plus a Large Organisation Recognition Award
GE Brilliant Hacks will be run in two rounds:
Ideas Round (Feb. 21 – Mar. 21) Participants will submit their best ideas for apps, extensions, or data visualisations to solve manufacturing problems using the GE Brilliant Manufacturing Suite of APIs. The top 30 ideas will be selected to move on to the Build Round.
Build Round (Mar. 27 – May The top 30 ideas from round one will receive access to a hackathon-only Predix environment to build their idea into a functioning solution.
Register to receive important hackathon updates, find teammates, and submit your entry.
You have 2 months to submit your entry.
Entries close on May 8, 2017. View all dates
There’s more information about the APIs & competition rules @ brilliantmanufacturing.devpost.com.
Click here to View the full rules
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