
How homeowners can protect themselves from IoT threats – Part Two

August 26, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Ralph Goodman, The Lock Blog

Ralph Goodman, a professional writer and the resident expert on locks and security at the Lock Blog continues his article on how homeowners can protect themselves from the threats posed by IoT.There are many more intricacies that go into the threats, which IoT devices can pose to homeowners. And as with anything else, there are some exceptions to these threats. There are few tactics that homeowners can employ if they make use of IoT devices within their homes. These tactics should help you cover your bases rather than leaving yourself exposed for the added benefit of comfort and efficiency that IoT and home automation devices provide. Let’s take a look at these tactics:

  1. If you have an IoT device that is housed in a permanent location (smart locks, thermostats, etc.) make sure that you provide adequate external security measures to prevent anyone from tampering with the device. In some instances, you can house your device in a small security case that makes it harder for any unauthorised person to get a hold of. Please note that this all depends on the size and functionality of the device.
  2. In order to prevent outside attacks on an IoT network and its devices, homeowners should invest in stronger firewalls and network security. Firewalls are meant to keep unauthorised users out of your network based on the predetermined security protocols. This is extremely important for an IoT network since it works by constant communication between different devices. Your security measures should be stringent enough to allow constant communication between authorised devices without letting an unauthorized user slip in. It goes without saying that the more IoT devices you attempt to use, the stronger your firewall and internet security should be.
  3. Make sure that your devices are constantly up to date so that there is no flaw or missing software patch that someone can take advantage of. In addition to this, your IoT network should be set up in such a way that it allows for consistent vulnerability scans to ensure that there is no weak link and that every device on the network is meant to be there. This will allow your network to block any unauthorised devices that attempt to access it, which in turn will keep your home extremely secure.
  4. Be careful of the type of access that you allow on your IoT devices. Most IoT devices and routers have a Universal Plug-and-Play feature that allows your router and IoT device to communicate with other devices. This option does not always call for authentication and it tends to leave your home and devices exposed over the internet. Make it a habit of shutting this feature off on your router and IoT devices.
  5. Make sure that you use only one password per each of your IoT devices. Some hackers have the ability to gain your private information by hacking into your IoT network, so you want to make sure that you guard against this by limiting their movement as much as possible. It might be a lot to remember, but you can always jot down your passwords if you have too many IoT devices.


As I pointed out , the potential of the Internet of Things is, as of now, unparalleled. There are so many things that can be done simply by allowing the devices we have around us to interconnect and exist on their own network. It makes things easier and more efficient while doubling down on comfort. This is all well and good, it also requires us to be wary of the security issues that this poses. Hopefully, if homeowners employ some of the tips above it will help them keep their homes more secure, while also giving them the chance to learn much more about the intricacies of IoT.