Robin Christopherson honoured with UK charity AbilityNet’s Tech4Good Special Achievement award

Robin Christopherson, head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet
AbilityNet’s head of Digital Inclusion Robin Christopherson has been honoured at the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards for his outstanding personal contribution to inclusive technology.
Robin Christopherson is an inspirational speaker and a global expert on inclusive and accessible digital design – changing the lives of disabled people everywhere by harnessing the amazing power of technology.
Each year BT hosts the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards and presenting the award Liz Williams, director Tech Literacy and Education programmes, BT said:
“Robin holds a mirror up to disability and technology and enables us to really understand the difference that technology can make in people’s lives.
“Robin enthrals and inspires and educates everyone he encounters and is genuinely a global expert in his field and I am delighted that he has been chosen to receive the Tech4Good Special Award.
Robin Christopherson said:
“My initial reaction was surprise, shock and honour. After the initial shock wore off I’m left with a profound sense of honour that I’ve been recognised in this very special way for simply doing what I love doing. I hope I’ve had an impact upon other people’s lives in the same way that technology has had on mine.”
Nigel Lewis, CEO of AbilityNet said:
“By being honoured with Tech4Good Special Award Robin Christopherson has received the professional recognition he deserves for his overwhelming contribution to inclusive technology.
“Robin inspires everyone he meets from business executives to policy-makers about the power technology has for changing disabled people’s lives for the better. We are thrilled and delighted for Robin.”
UK national charity, AbilityNet, has over 20 years’ experience enabling people with disabilities to access technology and the internet at home, at work and in education. The Tech4Good Awards were set up by AbilityNet in 2011 to celebrate the people and organisations that use technology to make the world a better place – and to inspire others to do the same.
Previous winners of the AbilityNet Tech4Good Special Award include some of the world’s leading influencers in technology; Professor Stephen Hawking, Dame Steve Shirley and Jimmy Wales.
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