‘No cost’ scripting software now included on all Systech SysLINK IoT gateways

Robert Lutz, senior business development directorat Systech’s
Many IoT applications require local intelligence in the gateway. To meet this need, Systech Corporation is now including SysSCRIPT™ Lite at no cost to its entire line of SysLINK IoT hardware gateways.SysSCRIPT provides “if this then that” functionality without the need for Internet connectivity. SysSCRIPT is a beginner-friendly scripting solution using visual elements to make IoT programming simple to do, without requiring technical training.
Instead of months of expensive development time, this is reduced to just a few minutes – and can be done by non-technical resources. For example, with just a few clicks of the mouse, SysSCRIPT can be programmed to open a valve when the temperature goes up, or sound an alert if flooding is detected, or contact a manager if a safety issue is detected. The scripting possibilities are endless.
In a traditional IoT solution, custom software is created to execute on an embedded Linux operating system located on the gateway. This custom software may be created in Python, C, JavaScript, or any other programming language supported by Linux. This is a good solution, but requires significant development time, and must be created by experienced software engineers. With SysSCRIPT, the software development process is streamlined with point and click simplicity.
IoT development becomes more practical when integrators, VARS, and even end users are able to create IoT applications to meet just about any need. Email and text alerts can be generated with simple scripts. SysSCRIPT Lite allows simple decision-making based on gateway attributes such as cellular connectivity, temperature, and motion. Additionally, with the full version of SysSCRIPT, external devices may be monitored and controlled, such as switches, valves, temperatures, lighting, sound, and physical vibrations.
Systech has simplified how IoT solutions are implemented – hardware and software. Earlier, Systech introduced the SysLINK™ IoT modular gateway that can be configured off-the-shelf with optional hardware cards. The option cards provide connectivity to a wide variety of IoT sensors and actuators with interfaces such as cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Z-Wave.
Now, with the introduction of SysSCRIPT, software development can be equally simple. Architected for ease of use, the power of IoT edge computing is now available for just about any application. IoT software can be developed by anybody, without the need of a software development team. This simplicity also provides a dramatic reduction in software development time.
“We are not talking about just an incremental improvement,” highlights Robert Lutz, Systech’s senior business development director. “Systech’s new SysSCRIPT solution provides an order of magnitude improvement in IoT deployment time. And, sooner to market means sooner to revenue.”
IoT applications can be developed in just minutes. This was demonstrated at the recent IoT Evolution trade show. Attendees were provided the opportunity to create their own IoT applications, using Systech hardware and software in the exhibit. Many IoT applications were created in under five minutes.
SysSCRIPT brings the power of “if this, then that” programming away from the cloud, and into the local gateway. This can eliminate unnecessary network delays, and provide application-specific functionality independent of the availability of network access to the cloud.
Systech’s SysLINK modular IoT hardware gateway and SysSCRIPT Lite beginner-friendly software are available today. Contact Systech for further information.
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