Is the force with you when you test Wi-Fi IoT devices

Areg Alimian, Ixia
Homes, hospitals, shopping centres and department stores, airports, large manufacturing plants – all have a growing volume and variety of connected devices that rely on Wi-Fi to communicate and function, writes Areg Alimian, the senior director of solutions marketing at Ixia.
Currently, one in every three IoT devices uses Wi-Fi, deployed in increasingly mission-critical environments, from hospital wards, to power and water utilities, to traffic-management and public transportation systems. These devices – and the applications that control them – demand good Wi-Fi performance. Having a stable, reliable connection in a range of environments cannot be left to chance: it must be guaranteed, taking into account real-world variables such as the distance from the nearest access point, interference from other radio-frequency sources, interoperability with other devices, and more. To achieve this, a comprehensive, robust Wi-Fi testing approach is needed.
From design to deployment
What, then, does a comprehensive Wi-Fi testing strategy look like? There are two main phases of testing to consider: first, by the manufacturers of the Wi-Fi devices; and second, by the organizations that deploy them as part of their IoT environments. Robust testing in both phases is essential if the end result is to be an efficient, resilient IoT infrastructure. As such, the testing strategy must evaluate devices’ performance and functionality across six key areas. Here, I will examine each of these in detail, using the example of a WiFi-enabled medical device used in a hospital environment.
Test one: range
Wi-Fi devices in large hospitals have to operate across large areas. Wi-Fi coverage is likely to be variable, and some devices will have to function effectively while in areas with variable or poor coverage – especially if the device is portable. Qualities like packet loss, retransmissions, latency and jitter are therefore all key KPIs to check whether a particular device will cope across the entire hospital environment.
Test two: roaming and diverse networks
As patients move between wards and departments within the hospital, their monitoring devices must be able to move seamlessly from access point to access point, potentially switching between APs from different vendors too, without compromising performance. Data loss during roaming could likely result in missing critical alerts. So the hospital must emulate its environment and replicate the exact roaming conditions of devices within it.
Test three: ecosystem
The majority of Wi-Fi problems in complex environments are due to the co-existence and simultaneous operation of multiple different devices. In our hospital example, a huge range of different Wi-Fi enabled devices are not only in operation, but also continually changing, as new applications are added or upgraded, and patients come and go. Test conditions must replicate these real-world environments to ensure that devices function as they are expected to.
Test four: data plane
This stage of testing is all about considering – and accurately emulating – the different forms of data traffic to be transmitted across the Wi-Fi network. In a hospital, this is likely to include scan and test results – visual, audio and video – as well as textual and numeric data. Devices with data plane issues cause unnecessary overheads to the ecosystem – which is the major reason for Wi-Fi failures.
Test five: interference
Some background interference, from numerous endpoints operating on same RF frequencies used by mission-critical Wi-Fi patient monitors, and additional Wi-Fi disturbance from patients and visitors bringing in their own devices, is unavoidable. The hospitals’ critical devices and Wi-Fi access points must be able to cope with the expected level of interference – and even unexpected levels of interference.
Test six: channel model
Most Wi-Fi devices within a hospital will encounter a variety of different RF channels, and if their performance on one particular channel is weaker, this can wreak havoc on overall performance. Here, both the manufacturer and the hospital have a responsibility to test devices’ performances across a general and specific range of channels.
Real-time, real life
Wi-Fi testing is not a theoretical endeavour; it must incorporate traffic simulations, range and roaming conditions, device and application ecosystems that mirror the working environment, and even exceed them in terms of complexity, in order to guarantee performance and resilience in the field.
IoT infrastructures, whether the hospital example we examined here, a factory, a university, a department store or an entire city, are bound together by WiFi. A huge range of devices must be able to connect to diverse networks, in variable conditions. While the exact nature of an IoT deployment in years to come will always be difficult to entirely predict, real-life, real-time device and network testing will go a long way to ensuring that the environment’s connectivity will be strong, always.