The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) was founded in March 2014 to bring together the organisations and technologies necessary to accelerate the growth of the Industrial Internet by identifying, assembling and promoting best practices.Membership includes small and large technology innovators, vertical market leaders, researchers, universities and government organisations.
About IIC
The goals of the Industrial Internet Consortium are to drive innovation through the creation of new industry use cases and testbeds for real-world applications; define and develop the reference architecture and frameworks necessary for interoperability; influence the global development standards process for internet and industrial systems; facilitate open forums to share and exchange real-world ideas, practices, lessons, and insights; and build confidence around new and innovative approaches to security.
Download the One-Page Overview or the Fact Sheet for more information.
IoT credentials
Industrial Internet Consortium Working Groups coordinate and establish the priorities and enabling technologies of the Industrial Internet in order to accelerate market adoption and drive down the barriers to entry. There are currently 19 Working Groups and teams, broken into seven broad areas:
- Business Strategy and Solution Lifecycle
- Legal
- Marketing
- Membership
- Security
- Technology
- Testbeds
IoT application areas covered:
The Industrial Internet Consortium has working groups with projects underway in the following sectors:
IoT technology areas covered:
The IIC does not set technological standards but seeks to influence those under development. However, it does significant work in setting up testbeds for members to utilise. These are a major focus and activity of the Industrial Internet Consortium and its members. The Testbed Working Group accelerates the creation of testbeds for the Industrial Internet and serves as the advisory body for testbed proposal activities for our members. It is the centralised group which collects testbed ideas from IIC member companies and provides the members with systematic yet flexible guidance for new testbed proposals. IIC testbeds are where the innovation and opportunities of the Industrial Internet – new technologies, new applications, new products, new services, new processes – can be initiated, thought through, and rigorously tested to ascertain their usefulness and viability before coming to market. http://www.iiconsortium.org/test-beds.htm.
Links to further information and ongoing standardisation projects: