IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE has more than 426,000 members in more than 160 countries, in excess of 50% of whom are from outside the United States.IEE has more than 117,000 student members and 440 affinity groups. IEEE Affinity Groups are non-technical sub-units of one or more Sections or a Council. The Affinity Group patent entities are the IEEE-USA Consultants’ Network, Young Professionals (YP), Women in Engineering (WIE), and Life Members (LM).
About IEEE Internet of Things
Launched in 2014, the IEEE Internet of Things serves as a home for the global community of engineering and technology professionals in industry, academia, and government working in related technologies. Here, professionals learn, share knowledge, and collaborate on this sweeping convergence of technologies, markets, applications, and the internet.
The purpose of the initiative is to serve as the gathering place for the global technical community working on the Internet of Things; to provide the platform where professionals learn, share knowledge, and collaborate on this sweeping convergence of technologies, markets, applications, and the internet.
IoT credentials
Recognising the value of IoT to industry and the benefits this technology innovation brings to the public, the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) has a number of standards, projects and events that are directly related to creating the environment needed for a vibrant IoT. These include:
IEEE-SA IoT Ecosystem Study
IEEE-SA engaged stakeholders in key regions of the world to create an IoT Ecosystem Study. The study comprises three principal areas: Market, Technology and Standards, along with an examination of the role of academia and research and the importance of user acceptance. An executive summary of the study is available.
IEEE P2413, Draft Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things Working Group
This draft standard defines an architectural framework for the Internet of Things (IoT), including descriptions of various IoT domains, definitions of IoT domain abstractions, and identification of commonalities between different IoT domains. Visit the IEEE P2413 Working Group page.
IoT application areas covered:
To really understand the Internet of Things requires application, implementation, and execution in the real world. The Initiative launched the IoT Scenarios programme to provide the community an interactive platform on which to engage with use cases, service descriptions, business models, and reference implementations that will be key to developing a vibrant industry.
IoT technology areas covered:
The IEEE IoT Technical Community is comprised of individuals involved in research, implementation, application, and usage of this internet-enabled vision of our future. Members of the Technical Community participate in progressing the definitions within the IoT through its collaborative document, Towards a Definition of the Internet of Things.
Links to further information and ongoing standardisation projects:
IEEE’s The Institute Special Report on The Internet of Things (PDF, 4 MB) – IoT issues and possibilities – privacy, smarter sensors, big data, applications, standards, impact on business, daily life
the IoT Scenarios programme