European Utility Week

Event date: November 3-5, 2015
Vienna, Austria
Since its inception, the ESCO Europe event has grown into Europe’s largest conference dedicated to energy performance contracting. This event has travelled all across Europe from Portugal to France, Germany, UK, Denmark and Spain. On 20-21 January 2015, the event returned to the country in which it first launched, Italy.
- This is the only large scale event in Europe dedicated exclusively to the ESCO industry, focusing on the pan-European market and policy developments, as well as new initiatives to expand the ESCO market, the role of the facilitator, best practices, the latest innovations and much more!
- 50 top-level speakers representing the whole energy efficiency value chain, will be sharing their views on the latest market developments.
- Get the answers to unlock your projects during our Interactive Roundtable Sessions, meet potential new partners and learn from a selection of success stories in Europe.
- Learn all about the latest building energy efficiency projects taking place around Europe during our NEW full track on Case Studies.
- Our Networking Dinner is back by popular demand! A unique setting to discuss at leisure business opportunities with your peers.
- Face-to-face networking opportunities: Meet those who are defining the ESCO market during our various networking opportunities throughout the 2-day programme.
- With a strong selection of senior industry personnel from all sectors of the energy efficiency industry, this is Europe’s Number 1 platform for ESCO professionals
- Welcome to Milan! Not only the city of the grand gothic cathedral… but with a market potential evaluated at €1-10 billion.
- ESCO Europe is never over… Connect with over 6800 thought leaders at the largest online ESCO community and meet them during our annual gathering!
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